Technical doors, pivot doors, hospital doors and school doors.


You will find us at the following numbers, or fill the form to send us a message.

  • Via Tergola, 17/A 35010 S.Giustina in Colle Padova Italia
  • Telephone: +39.049.9300123
  • Fax: +39.049.9321805


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    I authorise the processing of my personal data.
    I hereby authorize the use of my personal details solely for circulation within the company in relation to the Italian Legislative Decree n° 196/2003
    I hereby authorize the use of my personal details solely for circulation within the company according to the Italian Legislative Decree n° 196/2003
    I authorise the handling of my personal data pursuant to the Personal Data Protection Code – Legislative Decree n. 196/2003.
    I authorise the processing of my personal information under D.Lgs. 196/03.
    I authorise the processing of my personal data for personnel research and selection purposes under D.Lgs. n.196 of 30/06/2003.